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Welcome to Service Sales School

by | Sep 23, 2019 | Introduction

Welcome to our Blog

The fact that you’re here reading this now, tells me you’re ready to take your business to the highest of heights. You’re not happy with the idea of settling with the idea that what you have now is as good as it’s going to be. You’re ready to invest in yourself so you can live life on your terms. You’re an entrepreneur and will not rely on the 9-5 job to dictate your future. Regardless of where you’re at in your business journey, this is the right place for you to be.

This is far more than a blog. This is the training grounds for your future. Everything here is meant to teach you how to maximize your personal and business growth.

To make sure you get the most out of these training articles, here are a few rules you should follow.

  1. Turn off your distractions. You’re here to learn and invest in your future. There’s nothing worse you can do for your future than paying half attention.
  2. Dedicate your time to learning. Turn off Facebook, close your browser tabs, put your phone on silent and pay 100% attention.
  3. Be in a closed room where clients and staff can’t distract you for the time you dedicate to learning.
  4. Each training can take 5-30 minutes depending on the lesson. If needed, block off time each day on your calendar to learning and implementing.
  5. Turn off your negative thoughts. Positive things happen when you have a positive attitude. If you want to achieve your goals and grow as a person, you need to have a positive mindset.
  6. You become the sum of the five people you spend the most time with. Careful who you surround yourself with.
  7. The people who you spend the most within your life are not only your family but also those you work with. Identify who has a negative impact on you, and turn that negative around to a positive. If not a person, then identify the source of the negativity and correct it.

Business Crash Course Online – Keep your business from crashing

How to keep your business from crashing?

The government and FAA don’t say “planes cannot fly because this plane crashed!”

Instead hey investigate to find the problem or one flaw that brought the whole thing down. It’s rarely the case that the whole plane was defective.

Everything most likely worked perfectly except the one thing caused the crash. The same goes for you and your business. If you have something that didn’t work, focus in and find the one flaw instead of writing the whole idea off. In this article training, you may be asked to try things that you’ve tried in the past that failed.

Get in the mindset that although something failed in the past, it doesn’t mean it won’t work now. You may have just missed the one thing that takes you from crashing to soaring in the sky.

These teachings will work for every business!

But, your business may not have the same customer demographic of the same business on the opposite coast of yours. Your business model may be different than others. In these cases, you may need to tweak one or two things to make it work better for your business. Examine what didn’t work to allow yourself to discover what does work.

Please engage with us. Ask questions.

Join our Facebook group here. There is no such thing as dumb questions, only dumb answers. Our team doesn’t give dumb answers and neither do the businesses in the Facebook group. These businesses are about raising the standards of the industry by sharing our knowledge. The flipside to this is sharing knowledge. Please share what you learn so that everyone can grow and be prosperous.

Who the heck am I and why should you listen to me?

As your main trainer, I’ve owned many businesses. My first business was a carpet cleaning business. I learned the hard way to provide great customer service. This taught me how to make the experience exceptional. As a result, I could sell more profitable services. In this website, I will share my experiences and recommend books, software, tools, training and other resources you should have in your shop.

This website will help make you a success with or without our products.

With that said, I will be talking about our products and services my team and I provide. While not required for your success, I know they’ll make it a hell of a lot easier!

What you’re going to learn on this website can be used for good or evil.

You’ll learn what it takes to build a thriving business. You’ll be able to get your customers to buy more from you with ease. Without pushy tactics, you’ll get your customers to buy a lot more services. You must promise to use this knowledge for good. Only sell your clients things they need and will improve the pain they’re looking to remove! Use your heart and never use your knowledge for evil!

How to use lead gen forms

1 Dashboard The Dashboard will give you a quick overview of all your forms, quizzes, and polls. At the start, you won’t see much data. But as your visitors make use of your forms, quizzes, and polls, the Dashboard will populate with views, conversion rates, rankings,...

Getting Started

Get your website up and running! The purpose of this section is to get your website up and running as fast as possible with the basic pages. Follow these three quick steps to get your website up and ready to go live! If your website is using your domain already, you...

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